
Second City October: The State of the Series

This piece, written by BP Wrigleyville’s Zack Moser,  forms part of our in-house coverage of the Cubs in the playoffs, “Second City October.” For more on Game Two, read Nate Greabe’s recap. Additional  playoff coverage will be found on BP Wrigleyville throughout the week. “He shall from time to time give to the Cubs Faithful information to the […]


Game 155 Recap: Cubs 3 Cardinals 1

The Cubs defeated the Cardinals for (possibly) the final time in 2016, and it was a memorable night at Wrigley, for the Cubs, for Major League Baseball, and for one particular backup catcher. The joy on the North Side on Sunday night helped salve the acute melancholy of the day, as news of José Fernández’s […]


Rattle Rattle Thunder Clatter: Jake Arrieta’s Mechanics Need a Tune-up

It’s easy to get rosy-eyed when talking about Jake Arrieta. His devotion to his craft, his classically sculpted body, his majestically hirsute chin, his adorable kid, and his damn good numbers: all are qualities that inspire writers to snag the purplest of pens and analogize Arrieta to, say, an obscure poet or a 19th-century frontiersman. Arrieta’s […]