
2019 Player Profile: Javier Báez

Position(s): SS, 2B, 3B 2018 Stats: 645 PA, .290/.326/.554, 25.9 K%, 4.5 BB%, .264 ISO, .307 TAv, 2.8 FRAA, 6.0 WARP Year in Review: It seems like everything we ever suspected about what Javy Báez could be came to fruition in 2018. He flashed every bit of his skill set, giving us something new to […]


Is Javy Báez The NL MVP?

I’ll get this out up front so there’s no misunderstanding: I always hate these discussions. To me, all four pro leagues on this continent should take a cue from the rest of the world and rename the award “Player Of The Year.” Because that’s really what it is. With this nebulous, winking, “most valuable” label, […]


On Javy Baez’s Chances at an MVP

Javier Báez is a legitimate candidate for the National League Most Valuable Player award. On a team with Kris Bryant, Anthony Rizzo, and Willson Contreras, each elite at their respective positions, it’s Báez who has garnered the most frequent discussion in the MVP talks. And while there’s still a good chunk of the season to […]