
Emotional Moments: NLDS Edition

Some might seek to rank the Cubs’ best playoff moments with leverage index, taking a stab at quantifying the emotional heft of each moment. Others might take a look at certain games or players, weighing the impact of a player’s contributions, or crafting stories of games that drove us to despair and unbridled celebration, those […]


Things That Scare Me; Things That Don’t

Being something resembling a serious analyst essentially requires an immediate surrendering of your “fan card.” It is for good reason, as fans tend to see things through their own biased lenses, failing to care about rational analysis during emotional moments. At BP Wrigleyville, the majority—but not the entirety—of the staff are Cubs fans. We aren’t […]

MLB: NLCS-New York Mets at Chicago Cubs

That Wasn’t the Measure of the Experience—Game 171 Recap: Mets 8 Cubs 3

There’s a scene in an episode of The West Wing, from Season Four. A good friend of President Bartlet’s administration, Karen Kroft, recently lost a heartbreakingly close election to keep her seat in Congress, and Communications Director Toby Ziegler is trying (more or less) to apologize for that. He’s trying to convince her that her ouster was the […]