
Game 135 Recap: Cubs 14, Braves 12

What You Need To Know: The Cubs again produced a stellar offensive performance, putting the Cubs out to a 4-0 lead on a René Rivera grand slam in the bottom of the 2nd. After Lester surrendered 2 home runs to make it 4-3 and the teams exchanged runs, the Cubs opened up the floodgates in […]

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Punching Up: Jack Doyle And Leadership

In baseball, leadership is often viewed as critical to a team’s success, but it is also incredibly difficult to quantify, taking on many forms and adapting to the particularities of the game. There are both silent and vocal leaders, ones who allow their play to speak for them and others who distinguish themselves in their […]


Game 128: Cubs 17, Phillies 2

What You Need To Know: Determined to atone for their putrid offensive performance last night, the Cubs’ bats laid it on so thick tonight that even Kyle Hendricks battled his instincts to join in on the fun, walking away with two hits including a two-run single. Also contributing significantly were Rizzo, who drove in five […]

Al Lary Alabama Sports Hall of Fame

The Bizarre Career of Al Lary

Baseball seasons are frequently comprised of bizarre, incredible, and seemingly insignificant moments, crafted by an amalgamation of heroes, legends, and no-names. For many baseball players, there is little glory attached to the short-lived occupation and much effort put into producing a moment one’s family might remember. This difficult task becomes doubly so for those toiling […]


The Riot That Nobody Predicted

On August 25th, 1948, the House Un-American Activities Committee first televised one of its sessions, a stand-off between former State Department official, now-accused Soviet Spy Alger Hiss and former US Communist party member, now-Time Magazine editor Whittaker Chambers. The day, dubbed “Confrontation Day,” grabbed national headlines across the country, promising to be the first of many […]